EyeSpyFX Exit — Subterranean Entry
I am pleased to announce that I have started a new venture and have exited EyeSpyFX.
I would like to take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey of EyeSpyFX. Founded in June 2002, EyeSpyFX was born out of a vision to build mobile apps for Security Cameras. At the time, the concept of an IP-based Security Camera was a novel idea, and mobile phones were still dominated by Nokia. We launched our apps through Jamster, a platform more famously associated with the Crazy Frog ringtone than Security Camera technology. That marked the beginning of a 26-year-long adventure of innovation, design, and technical development.
I am deeply grateful for the journey and immensely proud of what we achieved. It has been an honour to collaborate with talented individuals, serve remarkable customers, and make an impact in the world of technology.
Today, I am delighted to share that we have successfully transitioned EyeSpyFX to its new owners, John and Emmet from Inniovate.com. They bring a fresh perspective to drive the company forward. I wish them every success.
Long term business partner Aidan Gallagher and I have started a new venture: Subterranean. In Subterranean we will be building software for drones that fly in restricted and contested airspace. I have a strong feeling it is going to be very adventurous. At Subterranean, we are fortunate to retain some key customers from EyeSpyFX, and we look forward to continuing these strong relationships.
Here’s to new beginnings and continued innovation!